About Us

Who is Junior Zoschke

I am originally from Brazil, and living in the UK nearly 14 years now.

I worked as a Business Coach for a Multi Million Pounds UK Based Company for almost 4 years and also run my own Fully Online Business in Brazil for the last 5 years.

I have personally business coached over 500 professionals between UK, Australia, Spain, France and Brazil.

In the last 2 years after connecting to my true self I let go of things that was not serving my heart anymore…

I resigned from the UK Business Coaching Company, I worked for almost 4 years.

I returned over 40 clients I loved back to them – it felt hard, but I knew was the right decision in the right time.

I close down a company in Brazil that I was building up for the last 3 years where we helped over 40 clients with mailing list of over 5000 people, a facebook following of over 6700 people.

I decided to focus on what my heart really felt good about: working with people that really want to create a business and life they love.

Since my decision, I got over 40 people that worked with me in my programes in the U.K., Australia, Spain, Brazil and France! 😉

I had my best financial months ever! Working with people I truly feel connected to!

I had the most amount of time for myself I ever had in my life!!!